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Volume 63 - 2007



Introduction: Artists in Dialogue - Barbara S. Stengel



Food for Coeducational Thought - Susan Laird


Response: Addiction and Mood Disorder in the Fast Food University - Al Neiman


Response: Cooking Toward a Transformation of Glocal Foodways - Huey-li Li



Self-Knowledge and Its Discontents - Richard Shusterman


Response: The Locus of Self - Kal Alston


Response: Who Is There? Finding the Other in the Self - Gert Biesta



Disruptions of Desire: From Androgynes to Genderqueer - Cris Mayo


Response: How Curious Are We About Desire? - Ann Diller


A Relational Ethic of Solidarity? - Frank Margonis


Response: Limits and Pitfalls of Freire's Ethic of Solidarity - Denise Egea-Kuehne


Is Schooling a Consumer Good? A Case Against School Choice, But Not the One You Had in Mind - Alexander M. Sidorkin


Response: Education, Incentives, and Paths to Adulthood - Charles Howell



The Midwife as Matchmaker: Socrates and Relational Pedagogy - Avi Mintz


Response: The Relation of No Relation, and Relational Activism - Charles Bingham


Learning (and Leaving) the Comforts of Home: A Radical Pedagogy of Homeplace - Helen Marie Anderson


Response: Mapping a Terrain for Homeplace - Susan Douglas Franzosa


The Logic of Objectivity: Reflections on the Priority of Inference - Karim Dharamsi


Response: Inferentialism Goes to School - Randall Curren


Competing Conceptions of Caring and Teaching Ethics to Prospective Teachers - Michael S. Katz


Response: Philosophy and Film in a Dialogue on Care - Megan Laverty


"Our Education Is Sadly Neglected": Reading, Translating, and the Politics of Interpretation - Naoko Saito


Response: Philosophical Reading In/Sight - Linda K. Shadiow


Kierkegaard and Liberal Education as a Way of Life - Kevin Gary


Response: Liberal Education and a Way of Life - James D. Marshall


Consuming Schooling: Education as Simulation - Trevor Norris


Response: Hierarchies of Knowledge, Negated Agency, and Competing Realisms? - Deron Boyles


Unseen Teachers and the Limits of Diversity - Robert E. Roemer


Response: Struggling over Differences in Schools - Suzanne Rice


Character Education: The Priority of Philosophy to Procedure - Jon Fennell


Response: Character Education in Pluralistic Democracies: Can (Political) Liberals Teach Civic Virtue? - Daniel Vokey


What Is Your Philosophical Disposition? Standard X: The Teacher Has Developed an In-Depth Foundational Philosophy Ames T. Browne III


Response: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions: Do I Need a Philosophy of Education, Too? - John F. Covaleskie


Educating for Meaning in an Era of Banality - Stephanie A. Mackler


Response: Learning to Think - Kathy Hytten


Aporia and Humility: Virtues of Democracy - Karen Sihra


Response: Learning in Humility - A.G. Rud


An Argument Against Sight-Lovers: Knowledge and Belief in Republic V - David Diener


Response: "Would He Not Get His Eyes Full of Darkness?" Objectivity in Republic V and VII - James Stillwaggon


The Great Indoctrination Re-construction Project: The Discourse on Indoctrination as a Legacy of Liberalism - James C. Lang


Response: Indoctrination Reconceived: Religious Knowledge and Liberal Education - Suzanne Rosenblith


Discourse, Theatrical Performance, Agency: The Analytic Force of "Performativity" in Education - Claudia W. Ruitenberg


Response: Sedimentation and Embodiment in Theorizing Performativity - Lisa Weems


MySpace Friends and the Kingdom of Ends - Kalynne Hackney Pudner


Response: Can Kant Save Us from the Wild, Wild Net? -James S. Dwight


Revolutionary Leadership/Revolutionary Pedagogy: Reevaluating the Links and Disjunctions Between Lukacs and Freire - Tyson Edward Lewis


Response: Don't We Relate? Resources for Organization in Marxist Pedagogy - Mark Brenneman


Holding Teachers Accountable for Indoctrination: A Reexamination of I.A. Snook's Notion of "Intent" - Barbara A. Peterson


Response: Intention Is Not Enough - Brian Burtt


Philosophy of Education and the Contested Nature of Empirical Research: A Rejoinder to D.C. Phillips - Emery J. Hyslop-Margison, M. Ayaz Naseem


Response: Getting It Wrong from the Beginning: But Maybe (Just Maybe) It's a Start - D.C. Phillips


Should Blame Be Part of the Education of Character? - Lynda Stone


Response: Character Education and the Philosophy of Blame - Dan W. Butin


Engaging Student Disengagement: Resistance or Disagreement? - Barbara Applebaum


Response: Engaging Student Disengagement - Mordechai Gordon


Teaching as Asceticism: Transforming the Self Through the Practice - Darryl M. De Marzio


Response: Ascetic Practice and Teaching as Service: A Feminist View - Deborah Kerdeman


The Significance of Finding a Witness in Liberatory Education - Martha J. Ritter


Response: Attending Witness - Paul Farber


Democracy Without Ideology? - Greg Seals


Response: Ideology and Educational Argument - James M. Giarelli


Postsecondary Schooling/Education for All - Francis Schrag


Response: Deschooling Adults - Heather Voke


Must "Real Men" Have Sick Souls? - Charles Joseph Meinhart


Response: Being Twice-Born - Jim Garrison


Autonomy, Identity, and the Role of Narrative: Another Look at Commodity Fetishism - Peter Giampietro


Response: How Schools Inhibit the Autonomy of the Middle Class - Michael S. Merry


Meaning, Mind, and Knowledge: A Pragmatic View - Christine L. McCarthy


Response: Minding Meaning, Truth, and Knowledge as a Matter of Existential Concern - Heesoon Bai

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