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Volume 57 - 2001



Introduction - Suzanne Rice



2001: A Philosophical Odyssey - Nicholas C. Burbules


Response: A Monstrous Manifesto: "Philosophers of the World, Create!" - Wendy Kohli


Response: Philosophy, Philosophizing, and Philosophical Change of Mind and Heart - Harvey Siegel



Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture - Larry A. Hickman


Response: Integrating Arts/Humanities and Sciences/Engineering - Jim Garrison


Activist Challenges to Deliberative Democracy - Iris Marion Young


Response: Deliberative Democracy and Justice - Natasha Levinson


Response: Why Can't We Have It All? - Emily Robertson



On Not Knowing the Other, or Learning from Levinas - Sharon Todd


Response: Learning from Levinas: The Provocation of Sharon Todd - Paul Standish


Civility and Its Discontents: Sexuality, Race, and the Lure of Beautiful Manners - Cris Mayo


Response: Agent Provocateuse - Audrey Thompson


From Reflective Practice to Practical Wisdom: Three Models of Liberal Teacher Education - Chris Higgins


Response: Exposure and Expertise: Philosophy for Teacher Education - Deborah Kerdeman



The Fool's Pedagogy: Jesting for Liminal Learning - Timothy McDonough


Response: The Importance of Being Foolish - David Blacker


On Transgression, Moral Education, and Education as a Practice of Freedom - Ronald David Glass


Response: When Should We Transgress? - Nel Noddings


Africana Slave Religious Thought and the Philosophy of Education - Stephen Nathan Haymes


Response: An Invitation to Africana Philosophy of Education - Kathy Hytten


Education for the Gleam of Light: Emerson's Transcendentalism and its Implications for Contemporary Moral Education - Naoko Saito


Response: The Emerson Nobody Wants to Buy - Rene V. Arcilla


Silences and Silencing Silences - Huey-li Li


Response: The Challenge of Interpreting Silence in Public Spaces - Megan Boler


Constructing Sympathy's Forge: Empiricism, Ethics, and Environmental Education in the Thought of Liberty Hyde Bailey and John Dewey - John P. Azelvandre


Response: Historicizing Dewey? - Lynda Stone


Pedagogy of the Other: A Levinasian Approach to the Teacher-Student Relationship - Clarence W. Joldersma


Response: Asymmetry and the Pedagogical I-Thou - Ann Chinnery


MacIntyre and the Catch-22 of Aristotelian Moral Education - Daniel Vokey


Response: Dwelling with Uncertainty in the Moral Life - David T. Hansen


Learning about Scientific Methodology and the "Big Picture" of Science: The Contribution of Pendulum Motion Studies - Michael R. Matthews


Response: Philosophy or Science? - Stephen P. Norris, Connie A. Korpan


Political Theory and the Teaching of Creationism - Francis Schrag


Response: Is There Room for Religious Subject Matter in Public School Curricula? - Evelyn Sears


Foucault and the Care of the Self: Educating for Moral Action and Mental Illness - Laura K. Kerr


Response: The Psychotropic Boundaries of Self-Formation - Kal Alston


Philosophers at the Policy Table: A Theory of Schooling Confronts Real School Reform - Megan Jessiman


Response: Complexities of School Reform - Walter Feinberg


A Law-like Statement of Dewey's Views on Pedagogy - Greg Seals


Response: Educational Science and Meaningful Relationships - Frank Margonis


I Am the Missing Pages of the Text I Teach: Gadamer and Derrida on Teacher Authority - Charles Bingham


Response: Saving the "Orphan" Text from the Teacher the Father - Zelia Gregoriou


John Dewey, Eros, Ideals, and Collateral Learning: Toward a Descriptive Model of the Exemplary Teacher - Ronald Lee Zigler


Response: The Education of Eros and Collateral Learning in Teacher Education - Jim Giarelli


Thou's Sacred Ways: A Case of Relational Learning for Democratic Self-Formation - Cherlyn M. Pijanowski


Response: Martin Buber's "Sacred" Way and Moral Education - Walter Okshevsky


Addressing Persistent Forms of Oppression in a Liberal Democracy: A Cultural Approach to Multiculturalism - Nisha Gupta


Response: Pride and Self-Respect in Unjust Social Orders - Ann Diller


Education and the Meaning of Life - Tapio Puolimatka, Timo Airaksinen


Response: The Meaning of Life as an Ultimate Justification for Education - Susan Laird


Is Political Education an Oxymoron? Hannah Arendt's Resistance to Public Spaces in Schools - Aaron Schutz


Response: Hannah Arendt on the Relationship Between Education and Political Action - Natasha Levinson


Inclusion and Objectivity: Helen Longino's Feminist Theory of Scientific Inquiry - Jon A. Levisohn


Response: Claiming to Know: Objectivity, Truth, and Science - Christine McCarthy


Teaching in Response - Barbara S. Stengel


Response: Teaching in Relation - John Covaleskie


Public Deliberation, Communication across Difference, and Issues-Based Service Learning - Heather M. Voke


Response: Who Will Educate the Educators? - Barbara E. Houston


John Dewey's Pragmatism and Moral Education - Shulamit Gribov


Response: A Case for Dewey's Moral Theory - Jeanne M. Connell, James Scott Johnston


Enlightened and Eloquent: Augustine on Education - Timothy S. Valentine


Response: Augustinian Learning and Understanding - David Carr


Some Initial Steps Toward a Much-needed Critical Epistemological Realism in Mathematics and Science Education - Dennis Lomas


Response: Introducing Young Citizens to Science and Mathematics - James E. McClellan, Jr.


Response: Tempering Relativism in the Epistemological Forges of the Second Millenium: Temporary Hardness States for Pedagogic Realism - Ames Brown


Locating Oneself, Self 'I'-dentification and the Trouble with Moral Agency - Barbara Applebaum


Response: Locating Oneself: A Plea for more Critical Awareness - James Scott Johnston


The Interdependence of Representation and Action - Stanton Wortham


Response: Learning to See the Cheese in Front of Your Nose - Pradeep A. Dhillon


A Friendly Critique of a Child's Right to an Open Future - Bertram Bandman


Response: Wisconsin v. Yoder and the Relationship between Individual and Group Rights - Dale T. Snauwaert


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