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Volume 51 - 1995

Introduction - Alven Neiman ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.intro 


Presidential Essay 

What Price Inclusion? - Harvey Siegel ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.001 


Inclusion and Epistemology: The Price is Right - Sharon Bailin ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.018  


We've Come to See the Wizard! Revelations of the Enlightenment Epistemologist - Kathryn Pauly Morgan ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.022 


Featured Essays

Postmodern Doubt and Philosophy of Education - Nicholas C. Burbles ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.030 


Writing From Our Selves: "Postmodern Doubt" and Non-Stupid Hope - Mary S. Leach ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.038


The Dichotomy of Liberal Versus Vocational Education: Some Basic Conceptual Geography - David Carr ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.041


Distinctions, Dualisms, and Deweyan Pragmatism: A Response to David Carr - James Garrison ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.049


Education and Social Epistemology - Alvin I. Goldman ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.053


Scylla, Charybdis, and Social Epistemology: A Response to Alvin Goldman - D.C. Phillips ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.062


Challenges of Multiculturalism in Democratic Education - Amy Gutmann ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.067


Diversity, Mutual Respect, and the Education of Deliberate Citizenry - Shirley Pendlebury ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.082


The Aims of Education - Patrick Suppes ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.085


Response to Suppes - Nel Noddings ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.098


Anti-Racist Pedagogy -- Art or Propaganda? - Audrey Thompson ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.101


Artful Anti-Racist Pedagogy - Barbara Houston ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.111


Race Consciousness and the Philosophy of Education - Kal Alston ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.115


Good Intentions Are Not Enough: A Response to Kal Alston's "Race Consciousness and the Philosophy of Education" - Hilary E. Davis ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.121


Caring for the Emotions: Toward a More Balanced Schooling - Clive Beck and Clare Madott Kosnik ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.124


The Philosophy of the Limit and Emotions in the Classroom - Debra Shogan ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.131


A Justification for the Inclsuion of the Arts in the Educational Curriculum - Sheryle Bergmann Drewe ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.134


Justifying the Arts in Schools - Donald Arnstine ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.141


Education/Communication: The Two Faces of Communicative Pedagogy - Gert Biesta ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.144


Commitment in Dialogue - Suzanne Rice ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.152


Education and the Longing for Immortality: Classical and Contemporary Pathways - David Blacker ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.154


Longing for the Present; or, Teaching Without a Future - David K. O'Connor ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.162


Longing to Feel: Teaching in the Context of War(s) - Megan Boler ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.164


Feeling Effects: Constituting an Ethics of Emotion in the Context of War(s) - Natasha Levinson ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.173


Reconstructing a Modern Definition of Knowledge: A Comparison of Toulmin and Dewey - Jeanne Connell ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.177


Toulmin, Dewey, and the Modern - Emanuel I. Shargel ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.185


The Metaphysics of Dewey's Conception of the Self - Craig A. Cunningham ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.188


Response to Craig Cunningham's "The Metaphysics of Dewey's Conception of the Self" - Marshall Parks ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.196


Writing Where the Poles of the Worlds Meet, Inventing Identities Where There's No Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf and Early Modern Women Writers - Zelia Gregoriou ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.199


Strong Misreading - Susan Laird ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.209


A Russellian Approach to Philosophy of Education - Paul Hager ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.212


Response to Paul Hager - C.J.B. Macmillan ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.220


Grounded Theory as Scientific Method - Brian D. Haig ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.223


Grounded Theory as Scientific Method: Haig-Inspired Reflections on Educational Research Methodology - Barbara M. Kinach ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.231


Validity, Bias, and Justice in Educational Testing: The Limits of the Consequentialists Conception - Ken Howe ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.235


Measurement by Tests and Consequences of Test Use - Stephen P. Norris ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.242


Education and Well-Being: Beyond Desire-Satisfaction - Roger Marples ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.245


Education, Desire, and Human Well-Being - James E. McClellan, Jr. ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.252


Foucault and Neo-liberalism: Biopower and Busno-power - James D. Marshall ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.255


"Willed" to Choose: Educational Reform and Busno-power - Maureen Ford ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.263


Intelligent Bodies and Ecological Subjectivities: Merleau-Ponty's Corrective to Postmodernism's "Subjects" of Education - Majorie O'Loughlin ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.266


Merleau-Ponty Confronts Postmodernism: A Reply to O'Loughlin - Shari Popen ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.273


Teaching, Readiness to Learn, and Cultural Context: A Response to Teachers of My Youth - Daniel Pekarsky ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.276


Worlds Apart - Iris M. Yob~ doi: 10.47925/1995.279


Reflections on Israel Scheffler's Teachers of My Youth: An American Jewish Experience - Arthur Brown ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.284


Responses to Professors Pekarsky, Yob, and Brown - Israel Scheffler ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.288


Defending Reason: The Priority of Rationality Over Ideology - Emily Robertson ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.291


Between Transcendent and Immanent Rationality: A Response to Emily Robertson - Jan W. Steutel ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.299


The Moral Duty of Promoting Political Conflict - Amelie Oksenberg Rorty ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.302


Comment on Amelie Oksenberg Rorty's Paper: "The Moral Duty of Promoting Political Conflict" - Yael Tamir ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.310


Social Science and Educational Innovation - Francis Schrag ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.313


Comments on "Social Science and Educational Innovation" - Robert Strikwerda ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.320


School Crime and the Democratic Balance - Stephen Short ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.322


Democratic Commitment to Schools - David T. Hansen ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.329


The Pedagogy of the Interhuman - Alexander M. Sidorkin ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.332


Schools and the Interhuman - Frank Margonis ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.339


Liberalism, Multiculturalism, and Education: Is There a Fit? - Stacy Smith ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.342


Liberalism's Weak Agency May Put Marriage Plans on Hold - Richard Brosio ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.350


Ecological Identification, Friendship, and Moral Development: Justice and Care as Complementary Dimensions of Morality - Dale T. Snauwaert ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.353


Ecological Care and Justice - Madhu Suri Prakash ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.358


Ecological Identification: The Sacred Relationship of Other and Self - Dilafruz Williams ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.360


The Need for and Inevitability of Educational Intolerance - Bruce B. Suttle ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.362


The Scope and Virtue of Educational Tolerance - Karl Hostetler ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.369


Navigating Epistemological Territories - Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.372


Keeping a Grip on the Grid: A Response to Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - Doret J. de Ruyter ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.379


Liberal Education, Public Schools, and the Embarrassment of Teaching for Commitment - Elmer John Thiessen ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.382


Teaching from Commitment: A Developmental Perspective - Siebren Miedema ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.30


Reconceptualizing Educational Psychology: A Pragmatic Approach to Developments in Cognitive Science - Stephen Triche and John St. Julien ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.393


Response to "Reconceptualizing Educational Psychology" - Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.401


Foundational Development Without Foundationalism - Wouter van Haaften and Ger Snik ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.403


Comments on "Foundational Development" - Timo Airaksinen ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.410


Identity, Plurality, and Education - Willem L. Wardekker ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.412


Identity, Plurality, and Education -- A Pragmatist Complement - Kathy Hytten ~ doi: 10.47925/1995.419


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