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Volume 80 Issue 3

Table of Contents


Degrees of Freedom: The Challenges Facing Moral Witnesses and What Can Be Learned Through Accompanying Them - David T. Hansen


The Difficult Freedom of Bearing Witness in Education - Ann Chinnery


The Educational Relevance of the Awkwardness of Mistakes - Tyson Lewis


What’s the Deal with Learning? Embracing Awkwardness as a Superpower - Morgan Anderson


Disengaging and Calling Upon Others Not to Engage: Learning to Recognize Collective Epistemic Resistance - Barbara Applebaum


Protesting Classroom Management - Gardner Seawright


Generosity Without a Name Tag: Educational Wisdom in the Spirit of Il Caffè Sospeso - Kanako W. Ide


Embracing Risk: Education Beyond Market Logics - Jessica Lussier


Whose Truth: A Dialogic Interplay with Online Political Dialogue(s) - Fiona Westbrook and E. Jayne White


Whose Humor? On the Darker Side of the Carnivalesque - Oded Zipory


Reading in a High Sense: Beautiful Knowledge and Uncommon Schooling - Naoko Saito


Living and Learning: Education as the Way of Life - Buddy North


A Critique of Categorical Thinking - Eric Bredo


Bredo’s Lessons for Media Literacy - Robert Karaba


Mechanisms of Memory and Pedagogies of Failure - Gray Felton and Aline Nardo 


Why this Ocean? Ruptures in Teaching and Education Itself - Addyson Frattura


Philosophy as a Way of Life: Integrating Pierre Hadot's Spiritual Exercises for Practicing Democracy and Sustainability - John Mullen and Jeremy Alexander


Everything Depends on Us: Alternative Exercises for a Profoundly Interdependent World - Claudia W. Ruitenberg


Digital Umgang and The Loss of a Common World: Approaching Post-Truth from an Ecological and Educational Perspective - Joris Vlieghe and Piotr Zamojski


Reflecting on Digital Umgang: Pushing Against Binaries and for Practicalities - Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer


Holding Space for Vulnerability: Anzaldúa, Intersectional Inquiry, and Relational Between-Worlds - Tanjerine Vei and Audrey Thompson


On Teaching in Nepantla - Ginger Barnhart


Discourses in School Readiness: A Foucauldian Genealogical Analysis of Head Start Policy, 1964-2020 - Kristen Cameron


Discerning the Democratic Element Within Neoliberal Education Discourse - Kelly M.S. Swope

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