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Volume 76 Issue 3

Table of Contents 


On Being and Becoming – Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer


On the Allure of Bridges vs. Diving for Pearls: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Autism and Ontological Inclusion – Glenn M. Hudak


Response to Hudak

Knocking Out Bricks: Crip Foundations for Building Aesthetic Inclusion - Adam J. Greteman



Self-Forgiveness, Shame, and Moral Development – Mordechai Gordon


Response to Gordon

For Shame: The Social Pre-Requisite Conditions of Self-Forgiveness – Kathleen Knight Abowitz



Knowledge, Moment, and Acceptability: How to Decide Public Educational Aims and Curricula – John Tillson


Response to Tilson

Pragmatic Perfectionism – Alexander M. Sidorkin



The Touch of the Present: Educational Encounters and Processes of Becoming - Sharon Todd


Response to Todd

A Touch in the Present: Reactions and Rhizomes - Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer



Toward a Phenomenology of the Mistake: A Reading of Plato’s Meno - Itamar Manoff


Response to Manoff

For Philosophy, Mistakes are Enough - Darryl M. De Marzio



Why Does Socrates Shame Thrasymachus? - Mason Marshall


Response to Marshall

Should Socrates Shame Thrasymachus? The Gap Between What a Teacher Intends and What a Student Learns - Michael S. Katz



Footnotes to Dewey: Everyone Learns - Kelvin S. Beckett


Response to Beckett

Learning and Becoming with Dewey, Peters and Freire: A Response to Beckett - David E. Meens



Reciprocity, Exchange, and Indebtedness in Noddings's Concept of Care. - Jessica Lussier


Response to Lussier

Ontological Tensions in the Ethics of Pedagogical Relations of Care - Mel Kutner



Education as the Hidden and Incomplete Resistance - Steven Zhao


Response to Zhao

Education as Spectacular Sacrifice: A Response to Steven Zhao – Daniel P Gibboney, Jr.



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